The flare consist of a burner installed at elevated position, equipped with a high-energy ignition Pilot and a flame detection system via Thermocouple.
The combustion air is natural conveyed from the bottom part of flame shield and the combustion temperature will be max. di 800 °C .
The height of this flare are calculated according to the heat radiation released from burning to the ground and that will ensure an adeguate level of protection to peolple and equipments that are within range of the flare.
This type of Flare develops a luminous flame which extends beyond the top part, so the combustion temperature and emissions monitoring are difficult to control.
The ignition system is automatic type, operated by the electrical panel installed of the flare’s bottom side and initially involves the pilot’s ignition and subsequently the opening of the main Biogas valve.
The gas train and all accessories such as valves, flame arrestor, pressure gauge and other, are installed at ground level.

This type of flare is designed for the purpose of contain the flame in order not to make it visible from the outside and is adopted when is not required a hight combustion efficiency and its traceability is not required.
The flare consist of a burner installed at elevated position, equipped with a high-energy ignition Pilot and a flame detection system via UV scanner.
The combustion air is natural conveyed from the bottom part of flame shield. Incase of specific request it’s possible to get a control system by installing an automatic damper via Termocouple immersed into the combustion chamber zone, automatically modulates the appropiate air flow, ensuring the constant combustion temperature up to a max.un max. di 800 °C (visible and adjustable from control panel).
The supporting structure is composed of a vertical flame shield, (without insulation) and specially sized to contain the flame inside.
The ignition system is automatic type, operated by the electrical panel installed of the flare’s bottom side and initially involves the pilot’s ignition and subsequently the opening of the main Biogas valve.
This Biogas Flare, unlike to elevated type, develop an influential radiation value at ground, since the flame is fully contained within the flame shield.
The gas train and all accessories such as valves, flame arrestor, pressure gauge and other, are installed inside the supporting structure.

This type of flare is designed in order to obtain a high combustion efficiency and thus obtain values of CO and NOx downstream of the combustion, very low and traceable truogh dedicate nozzle accessible from outside.
The high efficency flare consist of a burner installed at the base, equipped with a high-energy ignition Pilot and a flame detection system via UV scanner. The combustion air is conveyed by means of an automatic damper which by means of a Termocouple immersed into the combustion chamber zone, automatically modulates the appropiate air flow, ensuring the constant combustion temperature up to a max.un max. di 1.200 °C (visible and adjustable from control panel).
The supporting structure is composed of a vertical combustion chamber, internally coated with ceramic fiber and specially sized to ensure appropriate residence time of the gas inside the combustion chamber.
The ignition system is automatic type, operated by the electrical panel installed of the flare’s bottom side and initially involves the pilot’s ignition and subsequently the opening of the main Biogas valve. This Biogas Flare, unlike to elevated type, develop an influential radiation value at ground, since the flame is fully contained within the combustion chamber.
This model also allows a suitable combustion even in presence of very low amounts of methane in the Biogas ( from 25% to 70% in volume and with a Turn down 5:1).

Enclosed Biomethane Flare - mod. HEB
Questa tipologia di torcia è progettata per uno specifico impiego in impianti di produzione Biometano in cui si ha l’esigenza di smaltire a mezzo combustione sia il Biogas a monte dell’impianto di upgrading, sia il Biometano generato a valle del trattamento.
TCD Italia ha sviluppato inoltre uno speciale sistema che consente la gestione contemporanea di entrambi i flussi di gas, utilizzando un dedicato bruciatore bi-fuel in grado inoltre di mantenere stabile la pressione dei gas all’interno del digestore.
La torcia è progettata allo scopo di ottenere una efficienza di combustione elevata e di conseguenza ottenere valori di CO e Nox a valle della combustione, molto contenuti e tracciabili a mz. delle predisposte prese di analisi accessibili dall’esterno.
La torcia ad alta temperatura consiste in un bruciatore installato alla base, dotato di un pilota di accensione ad alta energia e un sistema di rilevamento fiamma tramite UV scanner.
L’aria comburente viene convogliata a mezzo di una serranda automatica che tramite una sonda di temperatura immersa nella zona di combustione, automaticamente modula la portata garantendo la costante temperatura immersa nella zona di combustione fino ad un max. di 1200 °C (visibile e registrabile dal quadro di comando).
La struttura portante è composta da una camera di combustione cilindrica verticale, rivestita interamente con fibra ceramica refrattarie e appositamente dimensionata per garantire idoneo tempo di permanenza del gas all’interno della camera di combustione.
L’accensione è di tipo automatico, gestito dal quadro elettrico installato alla base della torcia e prevede inizialmente l’accensione del pilota e successivamente l’apertura della valvola principale di adduzione gas.
Queste torce, a differenza di quelle elevate a fiamma libera, sviluppano un influente valore di irraggiamento la suolo prodotto dalla combustione, in quanto la fiamma rimane contenuta all’interno della camera di combustione.